Since the inception of ‘law enforcement’ there have been countless incidences where those in positions of authority have abused their power against those they were sanctioned to protect. For the last few decades, there have been allegations of not only permissible systemic lethal, physical abuse by the police against citizens, (especially against those in black and brown communities) and to their humiliation, video proof to substantiate its validity. It’s unfortunate that in the world we now live, African and Latin American parents have to train their children differently than that of White Americans families due to the apparent difference in the manner in which they’re treated by law enforcement.
LEVERAGE is proud to offer our GET HOME SAFELY interactive training where we place students in real life encounters to mirror what they’re bound to experience with the police when they reside in the inner cities or high crime communities. These situations include but are not limited to motor vehicle stops, ‘Stop, Question and Frisk’ and even arrest situations. By utilizing over 45 years of expert law enforcement expertise, the two African American members of LEVERAGE instructs their students with their cutting-edge, interactive program to demonstrate the proper techniques they should utilize when confronted by the police with the ultimate goal to GET HOME SAFELY.
LEVERAGE has taught the GET HOME SAFELY course to hundreds of New York City’s teenage youth and we’re proud to say that we’ve received dozens of follow-up calls from different attendees and informed of how they personally utilized the tactics they learned from the GET HOME SAFELY course after being confronted by the police, survived the encounter and made it home unharmed and safely to their loved ones.
With today’s uncertainty of a police-civilian encounters, please allow LEVERAGE to train your young adults with their GET HOME SAFELY course to increase their chances of a more positive outcome.